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HairyHammer 8:21 Fri Feb 13
Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
The media is very quiet on this story which to me proves that Islamophobia exists even with them, had those killed have been Christians or Jews and the murderer was a Muslim then we would have had front page news and a very big investigation too.
46 year old Craig Stephen Hicks is apparently an atheist who is not a fan of religion, apparently there was some dispute over a parking space between the two sides which is where the media are trying to put the reasoning behind why Hicks did what he did.
I look at the picture of the dead and they are basically three young kids two women of 21 years of age and a 23 year old man and it is very obvious that Stephen Hicks hated Muslims.

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HairyHammer 12:17 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

That is true.

Gavros 12:14 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Allah is the Arabic word for god. By. Using it you simply kow-tow to arabs. Why not use the Semitic Yahweh while you're at it.

HairyHammer 12:08 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

I am not a practising Muslim never have been.
Do I think God /Allah is happy that Innocent people are killed ?, We are all Fucked if that is the case I am sure that God /Allah tells people that Forgiving is better , God is merciful that is what I know innocent is Innocent.

Me a Huge Racist are you serious ?

Everyone thinks they are superior English over French Germans over Austrians Greeks over Turks Nigerians over Ghanaians Turks over Kurds white over Black Brown Yellowish Black over white etc etc etc The whole world is racist and will probably think their culture is superior to others, If you seriously tell me you are not racist you are telling a lie unless you have been brought up in a bubble.

goose 11:46 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
There's plenty of scientific proof that God did not create the earth. And do you think God or Allah is happy that innocent people are slaughtered in His name??

And yes I'm glad that a huge racist like you isn't in law enforcement. You hand out justice like ISIS.

HairyHammer 11:38 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

You prove that their is no God or higher being first .

Happy that I am not In the police what even in a place like America ?

goose 11:29 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Amazing response.
Again I thank my lucky stars (not God coz he doesn't exist) that you aren't in the police, as apparently no proof is needed for anything.
Oh and it was you that said homeland was far right and anti Muslim.

Tell me about the racist looks you get from white people every day?? Maybe you get them coz yr an absolute fist.

ManorParkHammer 11:21 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
'The dead young peoples parents and family do not need proof'

Over reaching with the trolling now.

Becoming a bit obvious.

HairyHammer 11:19 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

The dead young peoples parents and family do not need proof and I am happy with that they felt his hate.
It is no great shakes to be a hater of Islam in America goose it is very common amongst the vast majority of poor Americans.
You do not need proof that racism exists it does I am sure that will not make you happy but as i said no one shoots three people in the head In their apartment over parking that is just ridiculous..
Homeland is it racist ?, Grow a brain.

HairyHammer 11:07 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
the cult of Bob

I fucking hope not , cos i can write shit like that in my sleep and practically did so this morning, it is my own work .
You made me chuckle though Billy Bragg, HA.

HairyHammer 11:03 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

People like me? you should kiss my arse Deano.
It is people like me that you should love because I would not go near to the fanatics or radicals in Islam, even the simple practising Muslims I could not go near, you should kiss my arse maybe even have a tongue tickle because I am much more far far more British than I am Muslim .
I will stand up for Muslims who live peacefully who live by the laws of the land they live in, that is me that is what I am does that make me evil ?.
I chose to highlight three young Muslims being shot in the head and very few showed true compassion toward their fate, and Deano if you were one of them Fuck you too.
People like me is what you should fucking cheer for you no good cunt because people like me are too selfish to commit to anything as fundamental as religion.

The Cult Of Bob 10:58 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Is that a Billy Bragg song? I can't be bothered to google it. I bet it is.

I hate that fucking cunt.

goose 10:23 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
HH I thought you'd given up with this shit??
Any proof yet that the 3 were killed for being Muslim?
Is homeland still racist?

Deano54 10:14 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Hairy it's people like you that is the problem and is why our country is so fucked up. If your that bothered about the Muslims go and do some aid work in Syria, see how long you last you boring wanker.

sanfrancis-co-uk 5:36 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Brilliant.An anti-British song.

Hairy son.You ain't doing yourself any favours.

HairyHammer 5:09 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.

Too many blind fools who can see
They created black against white
Sand ni..ars oil diggers British fight
Lies and reality which one will free

Choose the right path they say
And they choose it to blind your way
Too many blind fools who can see
Thank God its them and not me

Humanity held back TV blinding us
Who cares if the other dies, why the fuss
And when its us we scream and shout
We are better and wiser, have no doubt.

Never has the world been so dark and cold
Who has the answer to warm minds of stone
When Children are born to follow suit
Will Their parents thoughts of hate they refute

Too many blind fools who can see
Their is no God "man made" they shout high and low
With man still pulling strings that they stupidly follow
Their minds no better just pathetic and hollow.

Too many blind fools who can see
Too many blind fools who can see

HairyHammer 4:19 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Nurse Ratched

Comedy character, are you serious ?

The word stereotypical was invented for people like you and Gav.. Two Alf Garnets and there are several more on WHO , only i should tell you that Alf Garnet was not meant to be cheered on, he was meant to be laughed at.

gph 2:35 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
HR - you read, but you don't understand.

sanfrancis-co-uk 2:26 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Oh well what's new.

*Lights Bong*

Nurse Ratched 2:26 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Comedy character.

No real person could be that pious.

sanfrancis-co-uk 2:25 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Childish and also venomous.

Nurse Ratched 2:22 Sun Feb 15
Re: Three young Muslims killed in North Carolina America.
Extraordinarily childish rant, wasn't it?

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